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A cloud service intended for monitoring and diagnostics in a wide range of industries and agriculture. Communication takes place using LPWAN technology and through the NB-IOT standard. UCS™ X2, UCS™ X2 DIN, UCS™ X1 and UCS™ X1 DIN hardware modules are intended for the connection to the cloud service.
The cloud service consists of a data collection part, a data transfer part to the cloud, and an output part. After the data is received in the cloud storage, where the data is securely stored and backed up, the data is processed as needed. Various analyzes are performed to provide the desired outputs. The output part is the user's contact space with data and its analysis. It includes a graphic display of measurements in real time and measurement history on the dashboard, alarms in the form of e-mails and SMS informing about exceeding the set limit values, and reports summarizing the status of the monitored installation.
Data can be obtained from the cloud service using a REST API interface, which enables integration between various applications and systems over the internet. The REST API provides a uniform and standardized interface for communication between applications, allowing access to data and functionalities via the HTTP web protocol.
LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network)
A wireless network enabling data transmission over long distances with high reliability and high energy efficiency.
NB-IOT (Narrow Band Internet of Things)
A standard for LPWAN-type networks using the existing network structure of 4G and 5G mobile operators.